MaintenanceYou have a motorcycle! Fantastic, as I’m sure you’re as excited as we are. Now, the most important part of owning…besides riding!, is the upkeep of that bike. We are not only able to maintain your Harley-Davidson, but our trained and experienced mechanics can work on almost any bike you might have.
So don’t think we only handle Harley® bikes! We are the only fully certified and trained Harley® mechanics on the island, so for the highest quality in maintenance, you need not look any further.
We have a Dyno-bank & a Flow-bench
Unique in The Caribbean region!. A Dyna-bank is for measuring force exerted by motor vehicles. A machine that's used to measure the horsepower output of an engine, ideal for fine tuning of your motor.
A Flow-bench is a device to measure airflow resistance through a mechanical component such as a cylinder head so we can optimize it for you.
Contact us for setting up a date and time to come by with your challenge and we’ll set it up. If you are unable to get your bike here, let us know that too, and we’ll make arrangements to help you out!

